Mozilla Update — Daily Builds are Ok Again

As a Mozilla/Firefox enthusiast, I often run the daily builds (well, the daily optimized builds). Since development is underway continuously, this allows me to get the latest features as soon as they’re available. The only downside is that occasionally a check-in for one feature breaks something else.

That was the case with the April 16th check-in for some “Tree widget refactoring” (whatever that means) which busted a couple things. In particular, Firefox would crash when entering text in an input field. And since that’s a fairly common thing to do, the daily Firefox builds were virtually unusable. Sure, there was a workaround where you could prevent the crash if you turned off form-autocomplete, but I’d rather stick with an older build than turn that off.

So, for the next two-and-a-half weeks, I just stuck with my April 15th build (without the bug) until they finally fixed this in yesterday’s builds (why it took so long, I have no idea). In any case, today’s builds are back to normal and better than ever — URL bar autocomplete is now available. Though I haven’t tried it yet, this should mean that the URL bar can be configured to autocomplete as-you-type (like Mozilla) in addition to presenting the usual list of likely matches.

In other Firefox news, the Flash Click to View XPI has been updated (and it’s now called Flashblock). The basic functionality is still the same — Flashblock adds a placeholder over any Flash content which can then be activated by clicking on it. And, while older Flashblock versions used just a gray box for the placeholder, the current placeholders have a more polished look which includes the background color of surrounding elements. In case I’ve explained this poorly, there’re also screenshots.

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