I often visit DFWBlogs to check on updated blogs in the area. I primarily check my friends’ blogs, so I figured that it could be handy to have a “visited link” color for the list of blogs along the left side.
I wasn’t sure who to e-mail about that, so I e-mailed both Leia and Matt:
Hey guys,
I wasn’t sure who to e-mail about this suggestion, so I’m just e-mailing both of you ;). Anyhow, like any good blogger, I make use of DFWBlogs to check whether my friends’ blogs have been updated.
However, could you assign a “visited link” color? That way, I’d be able to more easily find blogs that I frequently visit among those on the list.
And, Leia replied:
Hmm. Interesting point. But, I declare designer’s prerogative and say no. I think it would make the list look too garish.
Alternatively, you could go make your own list of favorites at http://www.freshblogs.com
I was disappointed to read that and I disagree with her prerogative :-/. I really thought that a visited-link color would add something to the site.
Update: Just to be clear, there’re no hard feelings here — this is just another ordinary post about blogging :).
Make your own custom stylesheet, and create a bookmarklet to apply it to the document.
OK, here’s an example of such a bookmarklet:
javascript: var st = document.createElement(“style”); st.setAttribute(“type”,”text/css”); st.appendChild(document.createTextNode(“:visited {color:red !important}”)); void( document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0].appendChild(st));
To be honest I stopped checking dfwblogs a while back. It’s a lot easier to just make your own watchlist on Freshblogs and style it however you want. I only periodically crave the excitement of new local blogs.
On a different note, it does seem a bit gauche to post someone’s email to you without asking them.
Leia: the “!important” is in there to make it override any other CSS declarations, so the bookmarklet as posted actually does work. Or, at least, it does in Mozilla since I know that’s what Alex is using. ;-)