Prototype/ IRC Channel on Freenode

I was pleased to discover the #CSS IRC channel the other day and I’ve just learned that there’s a #Prototype IRC channel for discussing the Prototype JavaScript framework and the effects library. (Sweet!)

For what it’s worth, I was actually looking for a general DOM Scripting IRC channel at the time, but I was delighted to run across this once since Prototype & are the two libraries that I’m actually using at the moment. Anyhow, the channel is #prototype on; or, if you want to try connecting to a different server, Freenode has several others from which to choose.

New ViRC

A new version of ViRC has been released, 2.0rc3. ViRC, if you’re not aware, is one of the better IRC clients for Windows. I used to be a Klient, user, but its lack-of-development since last year finally turned me to look for other options.

And, though it may appear that ViRC doesn’t have some of the more advanced functionality that other clients have built-in (such as auto-away), there’re 3rd party scripts to take care of that (including auto-away).